Cannot Control bolt over internet on Cloudbolt

When i am trying to control blot over internet on cloud blot website its displaying {“success”: “0”, “value”: “Invalid arguments”} but when try normally from local network then it is working, Can any one know me the reason and give me suggestions to control bolt over internet.


Please share the screenshot of the url and the output page

I am getting the message success:0 value:Device does not exist. But on home screen my device icon is visible.

at the last of the URL to control from the cloud you have to give your bolt number as a deviceName=BOLTxxxxxx
This may be the error you are getting.

means . The url is correct. My bolt is switched on and connected to internet over wifi. But the error message is same.

try by controlling this using apikey of your device
api key=give your api key which you can found in developer counsel
BOLTxxxxx=give your device name which can be found at home page of “
thecommand= give the command which you want to use like
like this and then give your deviceName
at “x” give the pin number you want to use.