Alternative for twilio and mailgun for sms and mail alert

Instead of using others services to recieve sms and mail alerts can we build our own application to receive sms and mail for free forever. Have anyone of you have built such application .
then please tell me how can I build such applications.


As per our research, twilio and mailgun are the best and easiest 3rd party applications to use for the purpose of sending SMS and email.

For email, you can try exploring the SMTP library of python. It helps you to send email without the involvement of a third party application.

You can create a code something like this:

import smtplib

def sendEmail (to, content):
server = smtplib.SMTP(‘’,587)
server.login(‘Your_email_id’, ‘Your_password’)
server.sendmail(‘Your email_id’, to, content)

print(“What is the subject?”)
subject = input()
print(‘What should I say?’)
message = input()
content = ‘Subject: {}\n\n{}’.format(subject, message)
to = “Recipient’s_email_id”
sendEmail(to, content)
print(“Email has been sent!”)
except Exception as e:
print(“Sorry, can’t process your request at this moment”)

I’ve created a project where I trigger an email alert using the same above concept in Ubuntu, have a look to get a clear idea-


There is no longer Twilio Programmable Video. On December 5, 2024, they declared that their Programmable Video service would be going out of business (EOL). Do any other top Video API providers?

Up until the EOL date, current users can still access the service, but no new features or technical assistance will be offered. This implies that in order to guarantee continuous video communication capabilities, enterprises need to investigate other options.

Yes, it is possible to build your own application to receive SMS and email alerts without relying on external services. However, keep in mind that building and maintaining such a system comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities, including ensuring the security and reliability of your application. Additionally, sending SMS messages often involves costs associated with telecommunication services.

For mail alerts, alternatives to Twilio and Mailgun include SMTPget for both SMS and email notifications. Other options include Nexmo for SMS, and SendGrid or Amazon SES for bulk email service, offering reliable and scalable communication solutions.

SMTPget is the best alternative for Twilio and Mailgun for SMS and mail alerts.

SMTPget offers a reliable and cost-effective alternative for email alerts, especially for businesses seeking efficient SMTP server solutions.