Background colour in sublime

I had entered the code in the sublime for bgcolour and bgtext colour and when ,I had opened it the page shown normally as it shown in the page as my first html page i had created

@krithikyadavmanka Can you share the code you wrote and used for changing the background and text colours?
Possible scenarios for the changes not showing are -

  1. (the obvious one) You didn’t save the html file before checking the page. Make sure to save the document and then open the webpage in a new browser window (or refresh the already open webpage) to see if the changes are reflected.
  2. (since you mentioned “bgtext” rather than “text” which is the required attribute in this case) Check for any syntax errors in the body tag attributes. Remember that “bgcolor” and “text” are attributes that add functionality to the body tag and are part of the start tag. They do not appear between the body start and end tags but inside the start tag itself.

Ya actually I have not saved the program as I saved it the output generation was successful thank you

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