Calculation for heart beat sensor values

I’ve made a project based on heart beat sensor including the Audrino, the problem is I’m not getting the correct values of the heart rate, some times it’s going more than thousands, and some times it gives value even if the finger is not placed, can u please help me in getting the calculation of the raw values.

Certainly! To obtain accurate heart rate values from a heart rate sensor connected to an Arduino, you need to process the raw sensor data correctly. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you calculate the heart rate:

  1. Sensor Setup: Connect your heart rate sensor to the Arduino. Make sure you have the necessary libraries installed for reading sensor data. Refer to the sensor’s documentation for specific wiring instructions.

  2. Sensor Readings: Read the raw sensor data from the heart rate sensor using the appropriate Arduino functions or libraries. This will give you a stream of values representing the intensity of the detected heartbeats.

  3. Signal Filtering: Apply a digital filter to remove noise and unwanted artifacts from the sensor readings. Common filtering techniques include low-pass filtering, moving average, or adaptive filtering. This step helps in smoothing the signal and reducing random fluctuations.

  4. Peak Detection: Identify the peaks in the filtered signal. Peaks correspond to individual heartbeats. You can use a peak detection algorithm, such as the peak finding algorithm, to locate the peaks accurately.

  5. Calculate Time Between Peaks: Calculate the time duration between consecutive peaks. This will give you the time period of each heartbeat.

  6. Calculate Heart Rate: Use the time period between peaks to calculate the heart rate. The heart rate is typically measured in beats per minute (BPM). You can calculate it using the formula: Heart Rate (BPM) = 60 / Time Period (seconds). Make sure to convert the time period to seconds before applying the formula.

By following these steps, you can obtain more accurate heart rate values from the raw sensor data. However, keep in mind that heart rate measurement can be influenced by various factors, and achieving perfect accuracy might be challenging. It’s important to calibrate and fine-tune your system based on real-world data and user feedback.

Additionally, if you’re using a specific heart rate sensor or Arduino library, it would be helpful to consult their documentation and examples for more guidance on processing the sensor data accurately.