Certificate of training not received

I have completed my training certification exam a week ago with 94% but still haven’t received my certificate of internship details my email ID is
I hope you will resolve my issue asap.

Hi @4nm21is059 I Apologize for the inconvenience. Let me know are you asking for exam certificate?
Is it related to python training.

Yes i completed the exam but I didn’t get the certificate it is for web development i need to submit my internship certificate to my colg so if you could help me out it would be really amazing

Hey @4nm21is059
First, make sure that you have given the certification exam from the same id as you have registered for the course in Bolt IoT
Second If you have used the id correctly, then check the spam box in the mail as sometimes certificate mail comes in the spam.
If then also your problem is not solved, then contact and mail your problem to: support@boltiot.com

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Hi @4nm21is059 I check and found you give exam on 13 May , you don’t receive the certificate because your access code is not updated on our system . We will attach it manually within one working day.

Hi @4nm21is059 Please check your id , we have no purchase with this gmail id .