Chat Id and Bot Id in Telegram

Where can i get chat id and bot id in telegram to enter in file. I dont know how does it look like. I have also surfed on web too but i didn’t find good results. Please tell me where will be the two id’s in an ios application of telegram.


To get the bot id go to the chat with botfather, type /help and then you will get a reply and then type /mybots. For chat id go to page where u added your Administrator and it would be under the permanent link name of the channel.

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If you have created bot account, then type /token in the chat section of botfather
It will ask channel permanent link(eg: t/me: ) which is nothing but the channel id, we have been using in our code. Then botfather will show the token (eg: 888####:AA#############) that is the bot ID…
Do try it


Firstly thank you for your instant responses guys :slight_smile:, But i got my doubt unresolved. please make my doubt solved.
Is something like t/me: XXX is my chat id, but isn’t it a link that need to be shared in order to get connected to out chat.
For bot, i have entered the command /token and it gave me token. in that it is given as :
Here is the token for bot Nikhil @Nikhil_XXXXXXXXXX
65546884:JNjkJJKNUBVYVYUVYUVvhj16 then in this token is @Nikhil_XXXXXXXXXX is bot id or 65546884:JNjkJJKNUBVYVYUVYUVvhj16 is bot id.and should i type entire 65546884:JNjkJJKNUBVYVYUVYUVvhj16 this in the bot_id variable in file . I also didn’t find chat id.

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Yes type the entire bot ID along with number (token):blush:

Chat id is the permanent link of your channel

@shivarajendran1999 tqsm :slight_smile:

@Nikhil Have a look at the training content in the links below,

Do read through them carefully as it explains how to get the bot id and chat id.


Here is the solution:
Chat_id is the text followed by in the invite link i.e. @xxxx_xxxx

bot_id is the token received in the bot_father channel.