Creating an account on Twilio

TWILIO has updated their site. And the steps you shared in the slide are no longer helpful for me.
Please tell me how can i proceed further.
I have registered my mail id and phone no to that site and don’t know what to do next.

after registering mail and phone you can skip to dashboard and there you can get your trail nunber , account SID , AUTH TOKE. Remember to copy the trial number.

now as you have verified your mail and phone number.
you will be asked to choose programming language and other details such as do you code…

you can choose to use twilio in a project.
choose send or recieve a sms.
then after you go to dashboard there is an option to get a number which is FROM_NUMBER in program code click and choose this number .

you are done now you can use AUTH_TOKEN,SID from there.

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