Device WIFI Connection Issue

Hi, I had successfully set-up my bolt device with my home WIFI and moreover whenever I use to switch on the device it use to show stable blue LED glowing followed by Green LED glowing. I also happen to complete all the experiments given in the curriculum. However, while conducting the project 6 i.e. restarting bolt device…the device got restarted after running python file but post that the bolt device shows only blue LED glowing slowly and green LED remains switched off. The device shows offline on bolt cloud. I am now puzzled what needs to be done to reconnect my device to the wifi…did basic troubleshooting but no go. Please advise. Thanks!

Issue resolved…I had to forget the BoltXXXXXXX network from WIFI from mobile device and then again repeated the steps to linking microcontroller to the cloud. After couple of no go…its back again…connected (online)!!!