Difficulty while installing boltiot python library in third command "sudo pip3 install boltiot"

This is the screenshot of error please guide me

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Can you run below commands one after the other and share the screenshot of the output?

sudo apt-get -y update

sudo apt install python3-pip

sudo pip3 install boltiot

i tried it multiple times and got stuck in the second command everytime, it was showing the same line over and over again. If i cannot get through this problem, i won’t be able to make the other projects after that section.

The previous screenshot itself had all three command
look at it I have highlighted

Hi @pradeepsinghsolanki,

Install the setup pools and build packages on your system

sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python3-dev 
sudo apt-get update  

then install the boltiot package using the -H flag.

sudo -H pip3 install boltiot

Do let me know in case you need further assistance.

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hey @pradeepsinghsolanki, @aakanksha_ug I have another alternative for it, where u can use Ubuntu on your local machine without using Digital Ocean Platform, without using Dual booting option also. Actually there is package called WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux). And i am Using this Procedure only to do my Projects. And I completed my course also. Follow this video link and install Ubuntu using WSL:

After install ubuntu using the WSL, Launch it from start menu and install Bolt Module.
This will fix all the Errors . Thank you ping me if need assistance :slight_smile:

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thanks a lot i have tried all things but nothing worked but after your given codes i works

it showing like this futhure i want to move want can i do

after put comand for bolitiot pyton library comand it ask me to yes or no but i give yes after this it shows this

Hey, for me also it’s showing the same.
But after that I executed the below lines and it worked.

export LC_ALL=“en_US.UTF-8”
export LC_CTYPE=“en_US.UTF-8”
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales.

I had the same issue, and I tried this method, but it did not work.

Hi @pradeepsinghsolanki , how did you resolved this issue?

Hi @prrabalppandey ,
I have taken this to the team and you’ll soon get an update.

Hi @prrabalppandey ,

To resolve the the cd rom issue Problem in setting bolt python library

To resolve the ownership issue type the below command in terminal -

sudo apt-get update
sudo chown -R root /home/$USERNAME/.cache/pip/
sudo chown -R root /home/$USERNAME/.cache/pip/http/

and then install boltiot packages.

sudo pip3 install boltiot

Do let me know in case you need any other information.

I’m getting this message, " No such file or directory."

My username is ubuntu, Please check the code.

Hi @prrabalppandey ,

I am connecting you with @ravi.ujjwal to resolve this issue. He will have a remote session with you.


Please send your Phone Number and Email id to ravi.ujjwal@boltiot.com so that we can connect over call and try to sort the issue you are facing.

Thank you @ravi.ujjwal for helping me out. Now, my problem is solved and I can proceed with my training.
Thanks a lot for arranging zoom call, trouble shooting became easier that way.

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Hi @ravi.ujjwal @prrabalppandey ,

Please update the steps about how did you resolve this issue. It will help others also.

Steps to follow:

  1. Start Ubuntu.
  2. Type: wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.9/Python-2.7.9.tgz
  3. Type: tar xfz Python-2.7.9.tgz
  4. cd Python-2.7.9/
  5. ./configure --prefix /usr/local/lib/python2.7.9
  6. make
  7. sudo make install
  8. /usr/local/lib/python2.7.9/bin/python -V
  9. sudo apt-get install virtualenv
  10. virtualenv --python=/usr/local/lib/python2.7.9/bin/python .Give_any_name
    Give virtual environment name of your wish
  11. source .Give_any_name/pin/activate
  12. pip uninstall pip
  13. curl "https://bootstrap.pypa.io/pip/2.7/get-pip.py" -o "get-pip.py"
  14. python get-pip.py

Now the bolt module can be installed properly.