digitalRead with various span ids

I have multi span ids like output1 , output2 , output3 but the following code is not working.


where index can have value 1,2 or 3.

Hi @ankit.negi1525 ,
Please send us your full code snippet. Also, see if there is any error or warning message in console.

I think you are executing digitalRead inside for loop. Put some delay on each iteration.

you can refer this code snippet.

// (1) define the variable for the array index
var index = 0;

// (2) define the delayed loop function
function delayedLoop() {

    span_id = "ouput" + index;
    // (4) if the end of the array has been reached, stop
    if (++index == 5) {

    // (5) recursively call the delayed loop function with a delay
    window.setTimeout(delayedLoop, 3000);

delayedLoop(); // (6) start the loop

Hi ‘output’+index where index is a int cannot be used , the entire variable must be a string example


<!doctype html>




<script type=“text/javascript” src="/serveFile?filename=bolt.js"> setDebug(true); </script>


<body bgcolor="#01FFFF" >


<h3> Sensor data </h3>

<span id=“output” style=“display:none;position:absolute;bottom:-30px”> Pin Val=1 </span>



var c=document.getElementById(‘output’).innerHTML;





still not working @datta.naik




<script type="text/javascript" src="/serveFile?filename=bolt.js"> setDebug(true); </script> 


<body bgcolor="#01FFFF" > 


<h3> Sensor data </h3> 

<span id="output"> Pin Val=1 </span>




@ankit.negi1525 please try the above code , I have tested it, your style statement in span id was creating an issue

Also if you still face issues try this solution, and if you still face issues please send a screenshot of the console screen, when you open the page in google chrome → right click → inspect element → click console tab.

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yeah its working now. thank you