Error in getting message in Telegram

I have checked program n twice and make another channel n bot but also getting this error
help me with this

According to the last error you are getting it means you have wrong chat id or bot id have you included @ at the starting of your chat id and bot in your bot id and have you checked all the variables and numbers in your bot id are they all correct

@RJRohit98 It is an error in your conf file. Please check if you have entered the correct credentials. You may have confused similar looking characters like O/0 or I/1 etc.

use @Yourchannelname (ex. @telegram_alert_temp) in telegram_chat_id
use botYour bot token number (for token number check BotFather chat last message with token number)
must use bot before token number (ex. bot984789:AAhjdhhkm-dhnkndiubjejkb-dbjnjd0il)

if still getting error try below link (replace Your bot token number with your bot token number )

[ bot token number/getUpdates]

you will get chat id

use it as telegram chat id (Ex. -10938789)
warning don’t use @ for above line id use -

I hope it will work.

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Thanks now I’m getting alerts in the telegram channel.
in telegram_chat_id I add both as
telegram_chat_id="@my channel invite link (without" or β€œmy personal id (which get in userinfobot)”

thanks all of u for u r help :love_you_gesture::+1::ok_hand::v: