Error in telegram code

whenever i start my code i get this message.
This is the response-> {‘value’: ‘You have been rate limited. Try after 5 Hours:37 Minutes:59 Seconds’, ‘success’: 0}

Bolt cloud has restrictions on the amount of calls you can make in a given time period. For example, you may make calls spaced at least 10 seconds apart. If you violate this, you might get rate limited. This means you can’t make calls to the cloud for some time. After this much time has passed, you should be able to use the Bolt cloud.

There is a limit on the number of api calls you can make when using the free version. You got that response due to a large number of requests from your account.

The allowed threshold is 20 calls per minute.

It will be enabled in next 6 hours.
If you need to increase the number of times the API can be called, you need to buy the paid version of Bolt Cloud

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Hello @rahulkolwalkar2002
the cloud at bolt has limited bandwidth for free tier users
the limit is 20 api request per minute.
for the first time they will send you a link and you can reset or unblock your account.
for then onwards whenever you overcome the limit you have to wait for 6 hours
Hope you got it