Yesterday I was running my code and due to rate limit it displays me Error retrieving data: You have been rate limited. Try after 5 Hours:59 Minutes:58 Seconds so after 6 hours I just start my module and run it and again this message pops up Its not even 20 hits
Hi, Bolt iot has some limitations while it is requested for some operation to be done. For free plan , it is 20 hits in 1minute means (20 request in 60sec or 1 request in 3 sec). So I think the problem is in the code ,Add some time delay like 1 request in 30 sec for safer side so that you cannot be rate limited. Here in this project you can try this : Sensor takes data after each 30 sec and led will turn on after 5 sec delay of getting the sensor data. You can use time.sleep(30) for 30 second delay.
Hope it helps.
If you are getting rate limited even after 6 hours, then you may need to check your code. In the loop you can add some delay like 1 minute or 2 minutes so that you do not get rate limited. Please refer to the API access rules documentation:
Do try this and let us know. If this still doesn’t solve the issue then please share the code with us.
Maybe your code sends the requests as the data is being processed so before receiving an output you are getting the error message.