🎟 FREE LIVE Workshop on Saturday, 21st August, 2021

Hello Bolt Makers! :wave:

We will be having a session on Learn to build a Smart Security System with Bolt IoT this week for the Bolt IoT community.

:shield: Learn to build a Smart Security System with Bolt IoT on 2021-08-20T18:30:00Z

​This is a live online session where Adith Ram Prasad will teach you to build Smart Door Lock System. This project uses RFID technology for secure access and uses Bolt IoT to alert different devices.

​Topics covered in the session:

  1. ​Overview of the project flow
  2. ​Explanation of code and technologies used
  3. ​Introduction to Heroku
  4. ​Short demonstration on how to deploy python programs to Heroku.

:computer: Join us for a FREE live online workshop this Saturday and Learn to build a Smart Security System with Bolt IoT.

:man_technologist: To attend the session visit - https://lu.ma/89zm7c20

:mega: Conduct a session of your own
If you wish to conduct a live session to share what you have built on Bolt, then go ahead and fill the form here: https://info.boltiot.com/community-lead-live-online-session-speaker-registration