Getting the output of temperature sensor as that of LDR

I want to get the database of temperature in Celsius as I have got the same in case of LDR. I couldn’t configure it. I do not want any type of SMS alert or E-Mail alert. I want the only simple output on my dashboard when I deploy it manually, please guide how to configure simple LM35 temperature sensor.

to get the temperature readings in degree celcius, the mathematical formula is given as below
Temperature = (100*sensor_value)/1024
where sensor_value = readings of temperature from A0 pin of device.
this formula can be used in between lines of program.
for creating database we don’t need to import Sms or E-mail class in program.
just only import json class.

Hi Saryan! Inorder to get the temperature values obtained from the LM35 sensor in degree celcius you need to type the following code


Temperature = (100*sensor_value)/1024.
This is the conversion formula to celsius.
The Sensor value is the value you are getting from A0 pin itself.

Hi, If you are getting peak value in table or chart. Place it in AC room or where you can control or get low temperature than normal room temperature and then check the value in table.

Hello @guptapiyush238
To get the temperature readings in degree celcius, the mathematical formula is given as below
Temperature = (100*sensor_value)/1024
where sensor_value = readings of temperature from A0 pin of device.
this formula can be used in between lines of program.
for creating database we don’t need to import Sms or E-mail class in program.
just only import json class.

@spsaryansharma just add a line into to your code –
mul(0.0977) before plotChart()

Namaskara @spsaryansharma
LM35 is a digital temperature sensor that counts from 0 to 1023.

To convert digital value into degree celsius, do as follow

        Temperature = (100 * sensor_value) / 1024

I hope your doubt is clarified.