Hardware configuration problem

I have completed all the hardware configurations related to my 1st IOT project i.e Light intensity monitoring system but while deploying the configuration "No Hardware configuration exists for this device type" this message is shown.
I have done all the possible configurations from my side.
Please reply me ASAP regarding my problem.

It seems you haven’t deployed all the configurations of hardware wrt to the coding.
To do so just click on the third button under the name called ACTIONS present in the Hardware Module in the cloud dashboard

All you have to do is first check whether your kit is connected according to required configuration
After checking hardware connection select a0 pin in hardware configuration and then write a respective code (mandatory to display the received data by light sensors) and don’t forget to save it
And there you go your 1st IOT project is ready

If it’s not working with 10K resistor try with 300 resistor(orange orange brown gold)