Hardware module connection

I am unable to connect the bolt module to my cloud account…i have created an account and the blue led light is on as well…i cant seem the turn the green cloud light on and also in turn make the device online…i had initially obtained the setup accurately with both the lights and the led being on…but since now i cant seem to connect the module

Hello, I somewhat understood your question. Setting up the Bolt Device for the first time requires two mobile phones or one mobile phone and another hotspot/router. Download Bolt app from play store and open it by filling the same details as you filled while opening Bolt cloud account. After opening it, follow the instructions given in it. And connect to router/hotspot/another phone’s hotspot, now your problem is solved and green light starts to glow and also your Bolt cloud will show online.

Hi, if the blue led light is stable and the green led is not on, it means that the bolt is connected to your wifi network but its not getting the internet access, try enabling the internet access from your wifi network.
please check your internet connection, once the device is connected to the network both the led’s will be on and your device also shows online. If you have further doubts check the troubleshooting the setup process from the course