Harware Confirguration of led controlling project

In Bolt cloud while making the product for led control project should I set the hardware configuration in the Hardware section.
Is the code provided in the module is correct ??
I have use it several times but led is not blinking.Each time I get a mail regarding the API access rate limited. Please send me the code which led to run the LED successfully.

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LED controller ON OFF

Firstly you have to tell us that which file extension that you are using i.e html or javascipt and then
check your code for making led controller project
or it will be also have a chances that you are not fix the led in the bolt module properly so please check your led is properly connected or not.

To successfully control an LED using the Bolt Cloud platform, you need to ensure that your hardware configuration is set up correctly in the “Hardware” section of your Bolt Cloud account. This involves specifying the pin configuration and the type of device you are using.

Once your hardware configuration is set up correctly, you can use the provided code in the “Code” section of the Bolt Cloud platform. However, it’s crucial to verify and modify the code according to your specific hardware setup.

Here is a basic example code to control an LED using the Bolt Cloud platform in Python:

from boltiot import Bolt, Sms, Email

api_key = "your_api_key"  # Replace with your Bolt Cloud API key
device_id = "your_device_id"  # Replace with your Bolt device ID

mybolt = Bolt(api_key, device_id)

# Specify the pin to which the LED is connected
led_pin = "0"

# Specify the state (HIGH for ON, LOW for OFF)
led_state = "HIGH"

response = mybolt.digitalWrite(led_pin, led_state)

# Check if the operation was successful
if response["success"] != 1:
    print("Failed to control the LED.")
    print("LED successfully controlled.")

Make sure to replace “your_api_key” and “your_device_id” with your actual API key and device ID from the Bolt Cloud platform.

If you are facing issues with API access rate limits, it’s possible that you are making too many requests in a short period. Bolt Cloud has rate limits to prevent abuse. Check your code to ensure that you are not making unnecessary or repeated API requests. If needed, you can add delays between requests to stay within the rate limits.

Additionally, make sure your hardware connections are correct, and the LED is connected to the specified pin. Double-check your hardware configuration settings in the “Hardware” section of the Bolt Cloud platform.

If you continue to experience issues, consider reaching out to the Bolt support team for assistance with troubleshooting and resolving the problem.