Hi i am doing project for time schedule of various industrial machine. In which exact on off time of machine should appear on my mobile. Which sensor? And how to make hardware connection from machine to bolt iot.?
Sensor and hardware connection will alter with the type of machine
select sensor as per the machine outcome when it is ON state
example of outputs:
pressure – sensor is load cell
water level – sensor is ultrasonic
Light intensity – sensor is LDR
and so
by sensor changing property a developer can set trigger for ON and OFF state of a machine then capture the time and display in the mobile.
How to trigger it. When machine will start
my best guess would be a sensor which could pick up on noise or movement of machinery. As long as there is either one of the two readings are taken if no such disturbances are produced then it would signal to stop, or who would have to provide an option where the device also switches on with the machinery but considering the high voltages required for such machines a voltage regulator too has to be provided.
@rajavisvelangi you can use hall effect sensor with bolt iot module.
so as you know the current flow generate a magnetic field around it. Hall sensor can actually sense that magnetic field. About the connection you can make its connection same as that of the LM35 temperature sensor.
and according to me go with OH090U hall sensor it will high when there exist magnetic field and gets low when magnetic field is zero. And remeber while connection left pin is for 5v, middle for ground and right one for digital out, don’t forget to connect resistor of 750 ohm to 5v and output pin. And after testing stick that sensor with machine wire.