In Bold cloud there are no options of status I have shared the picture, please help

Sir, In my bolt cloud in Devices it is not showing any st

atus. Those option are missing.

hey, you should restart your bolt module and also refresh your bolt cloud web page. Or
re login to your cloud account and then check it. hope this will help you

Hey, make sure if both the indicator LEDs on the bolt module are stable. The green light indicates the internet connectivity and if the module is connected to the Bolt cloud and the blue one indicates if your module is connected to the WiFi network and is stable. So in case these LEDs are not glowing then there might be some connection issues. Only if the module is connected to the WiFi network and can communicate with the cloud the status is visible.You can try powering off the module and reconnecting to the WiFi and follow the process once again. After this, add the Bolt device. Also try refreshing the page and check.