Innovation challenge-2 (Prize distribution)

Hi @vishalvats2000,

I will look into the broken link issue and let you know the update by tomorrow EOD.

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Thank you for the information. Really appreciate that.

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@rahul.singh1 sir more than 60 days have elapsed as of now. Please do correct the problems!!

@architborkar9 as you were one of the winners of the Innovation Challenge. I just wanted to know whether you submitted the same project as the final certification project or it was different than this one?

If you submitted the same as the final certification project then did you got the Certificate of Excellence as it is mentioned on the trainingā€™s site that it will be provided to the best projects!

At the time of declaring the results, in the #1 Project the Github and video link were not working. Even after sharing the same with @rahul.singh1 that thing is not restored. Now in the #2 project the link is broken. One canā€™t even reach the project!!

Itā€™s weird that the projects were provided the prize but one canā€™t go through them now!!

@akshayan.sinha @rahul.singh1 do look into the matter and provide the correct links


For the first project, the user has made the Github repo and Youtube link, both private. Weā€™ll reach out to the participant regarding this.

For the second project, the user has removed the project from the platform.

Iā€™ll look into this, but cannot assure you as the user holds the right on their project.

Let me know if you have any other queries.

Okay. Waiting for that to be resolved

where is the link to submit challenge project?

Hi @rognumimli,

You can submit your project for the challenge on

For more information and guidelines, refer to -

Let me know if you have any other queries.