Installation Step Failed [VIRTUAL BOX]

I am facing the problem of installation step again and again after partitioning of the disks. I tried to power of the machine and again start from the beginning but still it is showing installation step failed. below i have attached the screenshot.

What should i do?

hii…i also faced the problem that u had been through !!
here is the reason that i went with

1 What u can do is there might be specifying file system usage, meaning is that using a single container not a seperated for /usr, /var, /tmp …

or another that u mentioned can be solved …

  1. Like for example 8G disk capacity setting the install step failed …after approx. 20% completion - for 20G disk capacity setting the install step failed …after approx. 40% completion - for 40G disk capacity setting the install step failed …after approx. 80% completion

Finally the install step succeeded with 60G disk capacity value. So try increasing your disk capacity and give it a shot!

Good Luck…

hey, i followed your steps and everything worked fine but i was stuck at this last part of the installation. Have a look at it …!
kernel offset disabled