We’re getting something like {“success”:“1”,“value”:“756”} as output of bolt.js
How to create a database of last values(here 756) of this output and get a graph?
You’ll have to use a graph library and see in which format it wants the data. Then transfer your data into that form.
So if the library wants a list of (x,y) pairs then do
var gData = []
var recvData ={"success":1,"value":720}
function Transform(obj) {
if (obj["success"] ==1){
gData.push_back({"x": 10, "y": obj["value"])
The LDR sensor is capturing the value at a specific point of time which gives discrete points.
how can we receive the data continuously to plot a continuous curve. does it have anything to do with thingskeep?
if yes, then how to implement it?