Please find attached the two python file codes, all keys and ids have been crosschecked and are accurate. Is there anyway to resolve this error? Kindly do help.
Have you installed the python bolt library
In 5th line of 2nd code write mybolt=Bolt(conf.API_KEY , conf.DEVICE_ID)
Yes, I did install the library.
When I do that, it says invalid api key. That’s the reason I manually typed the api key.
Then check properly. I think you have not written the api key properly. Do check it once again.
go to the api tab of your bolt cloud.generate new api key ,copy it then paste it in your file using right-clicking and paste
make sure you enter the full device name including “BOLT” in its name
how much time does it take for receiving a message?
Not too long . For me it took abt 3seconds in my trial acc
ya i get it earlier it is working now.
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