Hi , I was trying to link 2 functions to one button. One function adds my name to the p tag and the second function displays an alert message. I am abel to run both of these successfully on 2 different buttons but I want to execute both the functions from a single button. The below code executes only the show_name() function.
<title>Java Webpage </title>
<h1> Java script</h1>
<h3> Click on the box below to show the name</h3>
<button onclick="show_name('dhruva');" , onclick="sayhello();">SHOW MY NAME</button>
<p id="demo" style="color: red">YOUR NAME IS </p>
<script type="text/javascript" src = "my-java-script.js"></script>
var x=6 ;
var y=3;
var m = x*y
var Multiplication = "Multiplication of " + x + " " + “and " + y +” "+ "is " + m
//document.getElementById(“demo”).innerHTML = Multiplication ; //accessing the hmtl element
function show_name(my_name){
var predif = document.getElementById("demo");
predif.innerHTML = predif.innerHTML + my_name;
function sayhello(){
setTimeout(function(){alert("Your name is displayed");}, 3000)
How do I solve it and make a program in which on clicking the button, the name is also added and after 3 seconds, the alert also comes.