Module 4: Integrating Telegram with OpenAI

I have created Image Chat Bot in Telegram, made all integration steps as per the code given. But I get the following error as seen in the screen shots

Hi @p20230500

You can share your Repl with so that we can check and give you a solution.

Please let me know if the Repl for Integrating Telegram with OpenAI is same as the Repl for Telegram Bot? I have not written a separate repl for Integration as the course does not suggest as one needed for it. I assumed that the will create a repl for me when integration with telegram token and chat id is given.
Please let me know if my understanding is correct.
Thank you
D. Syamala @p20230500

Hi @p20230500

The Telegram project with integration currently does not support the boltiotai library. Hence this is kept as a bonus content. You can still go through for learning purpose.