Problem in using putty

ther is prompt

it is showing acces denied i type the password which the password of my digital oceans
please help me :pray:

i think you enter wrong password…or may be you forgot your password…
change your password…also check user name…

Hi @ramesh00845,

The default username is root but you are typing ramesh17. Please try it with root and do let me know in case you need further assistance.

Hey @ramesh00845

Please check whether you have entered the correct IP address , login credentials , password .

Do check this Screenshot for your password.

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In Login as : type root instead of ramesh17 and then your correct password.

password:the same what you entered on digital ocean ( wont be visibe while you type tho)

your default username will be root please enter as root not ramesh

I think you entered the password wrong also check the capital letter or small letter correctly.