Regarding AI CODE

Iam unable run the code

Hi @nandithareddy619,

Please open the shell and type pip install boltiotai. The program is not running because the required library has not been installed. Additionally, whenever there’s an issue in the code, the console provides the type of error, which can help you identify and resolve the problem.

Let us know if you still face any issues.

It is showing like this when I try to install library

Hi @nandithareddy619 ,
Please share your Repl to using the invite option of the REPLIT.
Here is the screenshot showing you how we can do this:

The library boltiotai has been installed for the directory , now try to run your code.

do mention if you face any issues further.

hi @nandithareddy619 The message “Requirement already satisfied” means that the boltiot library is already installed. You don’t need to install it again.