Same value of plant monitering sys

so i have prlm related to plant monitering where i am reciving same no. of values all times like 1.02 i try to change the light intensity but no effect

Hi @harshhiradeve0190

Please make sure that the hardware connections are proper. Also check your code if there are any errors.

Do try this and let us know.

Y its mentioned that but now the error is beeing in line 200 something as hbspt and let me know how to acccess the code directly

Hi @harshhiradeve0190

you can view the code in the product configuration section on bolt cloud. Also can you please share relevant screenshots? This will help me to guide you better.

ya but the prlm is there is only 1 line code plotChart(“time_stamp”,"light

Hi @harshhiradeve0190

Please try this below code for plant monitoring project. Set the hardware configurations follows:

  • Choose A0 pin.
  • Name the variable name as light.

in the code section, write filename as “light_monitor” with extension as “js”.

Below is the code. Save and then connect the sensor and then view the device.

setChartTitle('Light Intensity Monitor');