I am getting error 400, please help me out
Update src/response-handlers/telegram/telegram-errors.js to handle 400 code. We actually do not care about the code., but should handle it.It happens time to time.
Hi @djasuja2003,
It seems that message variable is empty in your code. Can you share the screenshot of code for debugging the issue ?
I am sorry but I canβt understand what you are saying as I am new to coding, So please can you explain a little bit more
Can you please attach a screenshot of the send_telegram_message function?
Try removing the extra single inverted comma (β) before text.
Thank you so much sir for solving my problem
Now my code is running without error
I am facing the same problem. can u please send me the screenshot of corrected code?
@rahul.singh1 Sir in my case, error code is 400 but the bad request says chat id is empty. Although, I have declared the chat id in the conf.py file. Below is the screenshot of the error.
make sure you have copied the correct id
add @ in front of your id with no spaces
and also do not include t.me/ in the chat id
hope this helps