Ubuntu link not working

The Ubuntu link in the second alternative to DigitalOcean drop in the portal is not working on my computer.


Do you mean this link - http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-16.04.6-server-i386.iso?

Yes. A new tab is opening and closing by itself in a matter of seconds.


Have you tried any other browser, to download with the link?

Only Chrome. I have used a link provided in forum to download it, but the rate is extremely slow.

This link will open a new tab and close automatically, right. But the download starts automatically. You d\should be able to see on the bottom of the window.

Let me know if you face the issue in any other browser as well. I’ll send you a drive link of this file.

Nothing is showing up on the bottom left corner of my window where it should when I click that link. And now my virtual server box has also stopped working. It says Oracle VM setup wizard was interrupted. As I click on next they are giving me an option to repair and when I do select that option a finish button appears. Choosing to click that button is ending the setup. It’s a closed loop and I have been stuck in this very position for the past couple of days and am unable to proceed any further.


Meanwhile you can download VM-Ware, it is very similar to Oracle VM. The link is mentioned in the training.

Your reason of setup failure could be anything. Your OS or your antivirus could be effecting it. I’ll look at your issues, and let you know of any solution in the future.

over the last hour I have been able to download a few files

. Will any of these help?


The files in the image looks like the Ubuntu being added on your VM.

It is unclear, what are you trying to show?

Have you followed below statement?

Is there an alternative to ubuntu? isn’t there any way in which I can write my code on the python shell and connect it to digitalocean?

The alternate is to use windows itself. You can use your windows terminal/powershell or any python IDE to write your python programs.

Refer to - Could not find a version that satisfies the reqirement boltiot. no matching distribution found for boltiot for detailed steps.