Unable to install Ubuntu and virtualbox

Can anyone help me how can I fix my problem…i have tried so many times… But it’s not getting fixed… I am using Windows 10 HP laptop💻

Hi @harshamys15,
I will post the link here https://www.wikihow.com/Install-Windows-10-in-VirtualBox just click on it and go through it for installation of VirtualBox.
For Ubuntu installation click on the below link https://smallpdf.com/shared#st=78ff267b-c77c-48d5-bcba-f69c02201913&fn=Ubuntu+Installation+along+side+with+Windows-images.zip&ct=1611972842837&tl=extract&rf=link in this file have set of picttur in stepwise, go through this. install the Ubuntu and Virtualbox.
I hope it will help you.

Here , Go through this link and you will easily able to install Virtual box : https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads

Following is a step by step guide for installing ubuntu : https://itsfoss.com/install-ubuntu/

It is so simple. you just need to download the ubuntu and virtualbox as per the instructions which you can find during the training. you just need proper internet connection and you need to wait until it gets installed completely. it might take a minimum of half an hour. mine was windows 7 and so you have a very well advanced version so you can download it easier than me :slight_smile:

Its very important that both the VirtualBox and Ubuntu image are their latest versions. Otherwise there will be various compatibility issues and you will encounter errors. You must update your VirtualBox and also download the latest iso file for ubuntu and then use it

Hi @harshamys15
You can download Ubuntu Desktop/server versions this link https://ubuntu.com/#download
and Download Virtual box for windows host from virtualbox website
Here is the link for the video I have made on the same topic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuJlcL4_9CU

Hope these links will be helpful!!

I downloaded ubuntu using this technique…watch this video it might help