Unable to understand what is API

Hi, I have a doubt regarding APIs and what are they. Please clarify my doubt.

Hi @vijayolivefloor,

We have previously answered a similar query. Please refer to What is an API? - #3 by career_niecit2008. You can also refer to this workshop video https://www.boltiot.com/workshops?wchannelid=7pszk643nd&wmediaid=cew01q3y21 from 8:00 Timestamp.

Do let me know if you still do not understand.

An API is a set of defined rules that explain how computers or applications communicate with one another. APIs sit between an application and the web server, acting as an intermediary layer that processes data transfer between systems.
When you use an application on your mobile phone, the application connects to the Internet and sends data to a server. The server then retrieves that data, interprets it, performs the necessary actions and sends it back to your phone. The application then interprets that data and presents you with the information you wanted in a readable way. This is what an API is - all of this happens via API.

For further more clearance refer : What is API: Definition, Specifications, Types, Documentation | AltexSoft

Thank you @yadavbhavya736 and @shobhit.kumawat, your comments helped to solve my problem. :grinning:

An analogy for API is a the menu you get in restaurants, the menu shows a list of foods the restaurant can cook for you, your order for the food is passed on the chefs through waiters, then when the chefs have prepared your food they will send it to you through the waiter again.

You are Client,
Menu is API,
Waiter is HTTP protocol,
Chef is Server.

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API (application programming interface), is a set of functions that allows applications to access data and interact with external software components, operating systems, or microservices.

API stands for Application Programming Interface. API acts as a messenger between the applications which are communicating with eachother. Generally the exchange of data between applications is done using HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) and the complex data which is being exchange back and forth between applications is represented as eXtensible Markup Language (XML) or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). But the applications cannot exchange data directly there must be some contracts to do so and such application to application contracts is Application Programming Interface (API).

An API can be compared to your bank’s ATM.
Just like an API, banks will make them accessible so you can grab your balance, withdraw cash and make payments at your convenience.
Before you can do anything, though, you’ll need to authenticate ( use your card and put in your PIN) so the bank knows you’re authorized to transact.
Similarly, with an API, you’ll send a request to the system along with your authentication and, if you’re authorized, you’ll receive the data you requested – the cash money.

An API, or application programming interface, is a set of defined rules that enable different applications to communicate with each other.Here, we’ll give a high-level overview of how APIs work before reviewing the different types of APIs and how they are used.

It is a set of rules and protocols for building and interacting with software applications. APIs define the methods and data formats that a program can use to communicate with other software, similar to how a user interface enables a user to interact with software.

API application programming interface is communication or establishing relationship between server and client. Using API key the connection is established between server and client then the client request and the server responds for the queries or commands made by the API

Api is Application programming interface. It works as a middleman for services. Let’s say you are a buyer and want to buy a laptop. So you visit a store to buy the laptop. Now here store acts as an api it understands your need and provide you with that.

select your bolt device for online http api key

An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of rules and tools that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. It defines the methods and data formats that applications can use to request and exchange information. Let’s understand it with the help of a real life analogy.
Imagine you are a customer at a restaurant, and you want to place an order for your favorite meal. The restaurant can be compared to a server or provider of services, and you, the customer, represent an external application or system that wants to interact with the restaurant’s offerings.

Now, let’s break down the analogy:

  1. Menu as API Documentation:
    In a restaurant, the menu serves as documentation that outlines the available dishes, their descriptions, and prices. Similarly, API documentation provides information about the available endpoints, methods, and data formats that an external application can use.
  2. Waiter as API:
    The waiter in the restaurant acts as an intermediary or interface between you (the customer) and the kitchen (the restaurant’s backend). This is similar to how an API serves as a bridge between your application and the services provided by another system.
  3. Order Request as API Request:
    When you decide what to order, you communicate your choices to the waiter. In the API context, your order request is analogous to an API request, where your application sends a request to another system to perform a specific action or retrieve information.
  4. Meal Preparation as Backend Processing:
    Once the waiter receives your order, they communicate it to the kitchen, and the chefs prepare your meal. In the API scenario, the backend processes your API request, performs the necessary operations, and returns the result to your application.
  5. Order Delivery as API Response:
    The waiter brings your order back to your table, completing the communication loop. In the API context, the system sends a response back to your application, containing the requested data or indicating the success or failure of the operation.

In this analogy, the restaurant’s menu serves as the API documentation, the waiter represents the API, and the process of ordering and receiving the meal mirrors the interaction between your application and another system through an API. This helps illustrate how APIs facilitate communication and interaction between different components or systems in a manner similar to everyday activities.

Certainly! I’d be happy to clarify your doubt about APIs.

API (Application Programming Interface):

An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of rules and tools that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. It defines the methods and data formats that applications can use to request and exchange information. APIs can be used to enable the integration of different software systems, allowing them to work together seamlessly.

Here are some key points to understand about APIs:

  1. Communication Bridge:
    APIs act as a communication bridge between different software applications, allowing them to request and exchange data or functionality.

  2. Standardized Interface:
    APIs provide a standardized way for developers to interact with the functionality provided by a service, library, or platform. This standardization simplifies the development process and promotes interoperability.

  3. Request and Response:
    When one application wants to access the features or data of another application, it sends a request to the API. The API processes the request and sends back a response, typically in a standardized data format like JSON or XML.

  4. Endpoints:
    APIs are often organized into endpoints, which represent specific functions or resources. For example, a weather API might have endpoints for retrieving current weather conditions, forecasts, and historical data.

  5. HTTP Methods:
    APIs commonly use HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to perform different operations. For example, a GET request might be used to retrieve data, while a POST request is used to submit data.

  6. Authentication:
    To ensure secure communication, APIs often require authentication. This can involve the use of API keys, OAuth tokens, or other authentication mechanisms.

  7. Types of APIs:
    There are various types of APIs, including:

    • Web APIs Exposed over the web using standard protocols like HTTP. REST (Representational State Transfer) and GraphQL are common web API architectures.
    • Library APIs: Provided by programming libraries to allow developers to use pre-built functions and modules.
    • Operating System APIs: Allow applications to interact with the underlying operating system.
  8. Examples:

    • Social Media APIs (e.g., Twitter API, Facebook Graph API) allow developers to access and interact with social media data.
    • Payment Gateway APIs (e.g., Stripe API) enable online payments.
    • Weather APIs provide access to weather-related information.
    • Database APIs allow applications to interact with databases.

In summary, APIs enable different software components to communicate, share data, and perform actions. They play a crucial role in modern software development by facilitating the integration of diverse services and systems.

An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. It defines the methods and data formats applications can use to request and exchange information. APIs enable developers to integrate functionalities from one application into another, promoting seamless interaction and data sharing. They serve as a bridge, enabling software components to work together and access each other’s capabilities in a standardized way. APIs are essential for modern software development, fostering interoperability and the creation of integrated, collaborative systems.

Okay just assume a restaurant XYZ. The kitchen of the XYZ restaurant is like a computer system with different tasks and tools. Now, the chef (software or program) in the kitchen has his own way of doing things.

Now, let’s just say suppose you want to order your favorite dish, but you don’t go into the kitchen and start telling the chef each step. Instead, you talk to the waiter (API) at your table. The waiter knows exactly how to communicate with the kitchen and understands the menu (API documentation). You simply tell the waiter what you want, and the waiter takes care of all the details, relaying your order to the chef.

In this example:

The kitchen is like the computer system(server).
The chef is like a software program.
The waiter is like the API that helps you communicate with the software (chef) without having to understand all the complex cooking processes.

So, the API acts as a bridge, making it easier for different parts of a system (or different systems altogether) to work together and share information without getting into the nitty-gritty details of how everything works internally.

API stands for Application Programming Interface. In the context of APIs, the word Application refers to any software with a distinct function. Interface can be thought of as a contract of service between two applications. This contract defines how the two communicate with each other using requests and responses.

Hey @vijayolivefloor,

An API, or Application Programming Interface, is essentially a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to communicate with each other. It defines the methods and data formats that applications can use to request and exchange information.

Imagine you own a bookstore and you want to integrate an online payment system into your website. You could use a payment gateway API provided by a third-party payment processor like PayPal or Stripe. This API would allow your website to send payment requests to the payment processor, securely process transactions, and receive confirmation messages back, all without needing to understand the intricate details of how the payment processing actually works.

In this example, the payment gateway API acts as an intermediary, facilitating communication between your bookstore website and the payment processor’s systems. It abstracts away the complexity of payment processing, allowing you to focus on providing a seamless experience for your customers.

Hope this answers your question though its quite late .