Unable to upgrade pip version 8.1.1 to 21.3

Showing sytax error


This could be because of your incomplete apt update. I’ve taken forward your request, will let you know of any solution to the issue.

Even I am facing the issue of not being able to upgrade from pip version 8.1.1 to version 22.2.2 which is the latest version. It suggests the command “pip install --upgrade pip” but it doesn’t seem to work. My main problem is it saying “Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored or old ones used instead” on running the ‘sudo apt-get -y update’ command.

hello , @zainabansari881
please update the virtual machine

  1. sudo at upgrade
  2. reboot
    after this all the latest libraries will be installed then make sure to run
  3. sudo apt update -y
  4. pip install --upgrade pip
    nd then reboot it should work

It have two options:
1.If your Python environment does not have pip installed, there are 2 mechanisms to install pip supported directly by pip’s maintainers:

  • git-pip.py
    ->Python comes with an ensurepip module which can install pip in a Python environment.
    python -m ensurepip --upgrade
  1. Three things to do:

  2. Run this in your bash terminal

python3 pip install --upgrade pip

  1. Configure your VS Code environment for python 3.x
  2. Run your file using python3 [filename.py]