Wifi module connected but not responding when command given from my program

why this happened?

This also:-

You have been rate limited because of you have given command with in a second without providing a cooling period of at-least 10 secs because cloud have provided some limited bandwidth to provide command. If your rate limit exceed then you will face rate limit issue for upto 6 hrs. after that then again you will operate and provide command to the bolt module. Here in this image which you have provided it shows try after 2 hrs 24 minutes. That means you have to wait until your rate limit time period is over. For using unlimited bandwidth without any rate limit the you have to buy the bolt cloud pro package to use it without any rate limit which will cost you around Rs. 50/- per month.


Cloud services are provided with rate limitation so as to avoid traffic problems and ensure that every user is able to use the services. So is the case with Bolt Cloud. This is why you’ve been rate limited.

All you have to do is make sure that from next time, the code you run has a sleep time for at-least 10 seconds(or run codes consecutively with a 10 seconds gap) so as to avoid getting rate limited.

Hope this helps!

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