A connection error occured- Sending SMS project

Everything is okay. All connections are okay. Wifi module is connected Desktop is connected Everything is connected to net. Blue LED and green LED are on too.

Can anyone please help me? I’ve tried out everything I got on other topics like restarting everything, disconnecting and connecting again.
Thanks in advance.

What is your issue exactly ? Please be elaborate.

I’m trying to run the Project 9: Sending an SMS when Temperature Crosses Threshold. Earlier, I was getting TypeError: the JSON object must be str, not ‘dict’.
I read on other topic to print the response value, so that we get a clear idea as where the problem is. I did so and then the output was: {success:‘0’, message:‘A connection error occured’}

Please ensure that your virtual machine has internet connection and in the conf.py file, please ensure the API KEY and DEVICE ID are correct (both are strings and should be enclosed within a " "). Device id must be written as :


The bolt device is working fine. Your python code is unable to connect to your bolt device.

VMware doesn’t have internet connection. What should I do? It was working fine till afternoon.

VMware is powered by your desktop internet connection. Ensure pc net is working fine .

It is working absolutely fine.

If you have installed the server and vmware exactly the exact same way as in the tutorials, it should work fine. There can be several complications in a linux based system. If installed in a different way, it’s better to uninstall and follow the steps in training. Was it (the vmware) having internet till afternoon ? If so, restart and login to your server again.

Yes, I installed VMware in the exact same way they did. It was some connectivity issue. I wasn’t able to resolve that so I simply uninstalled everything and installed back. It worked. Thank you, you too, for your time!

Good night. Too late for a reply now :woman_student:

Hi @Layeba_Faheem,

Usually connection error occurs when there is not internet inside Vmware. To check if internet is working, type the below commands and send the screenshot of the output.

ping google.com

Also check this thread Telegram error in execution

Yes, I tried to do that, there was error in connecting to the net. I tried troubleshooting it but it failed every time, so I uninstalled and installed it back again and now it’s working fine. Thanks though! :slight_smile:

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I faced the same error while doing this project.
The main Reason for this error is Internet connectivity issues.
I was using my Mobile Wi-Fi hotspot to connect to my laptop while carrying out this project. Although my internet speed was good, and I could browse youtube easily… The error was displayed while running the code for Sending SMS project.
The workaround I used was connecting my phone network via USB, and it worked for me!
You can find this option in your phone settings.
I hope this helps!

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I faced the same error while doing this project.

The main Reason for this error is Internet connectivity issues.
I was using my Mobile Wi-Fi hotspot to connect to my laptop while carrying out this project. Although my internet speed was good, and I could browse youtube easily… The error was displayed while running the code for Sending SMS project.
The workaround I used was connecting my phone network via USB, and it worked for me!
You can find this option in your phone settings.