About Bolt Cloud Web site

Bolt Cloud Web site is not opening properly.

Try using chrome. It might work

You have to first develop a product in Products section below the Devices and then connect your Bolt WiFi module with Internet as explained in documents. After this you will have a device to deploy. If still it doesnt work then you should probably check internet connection and change the browser.

Facing the same problem.
Web Cloud website is not functioning properly. Unable to click on some features like
1.Edit profile
2.Take a tour option
3. **


Hi @10nandeeshhu and @gautam,

Can you share your browser name and version of the browser ? Also check if you are using any ad blocker extension on your browser. If you are using any ad blocker then please disable it for https://cloud.boltiot.com

Do let me know in case you need further assistance.

Thank you for the Help !
Issue have been resolved. The problem was with ad blocker, I disabled it and now it is working properly.

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