About training program

Hello ,I have a doubt about the training schedule .As I am having exams in-between so I want to know whether there is any expiry date for bolt iot training. Can anyone help me out.

No expiry date of this training,you can access lifetime.
enjoy the training

There is no expiry date you will have a lifetime access to all the contents and can start, pause , resume and finish the courses whenever you want

No u can sign in any time anywhere its available all the time for you there is no expiry date of this course .

@asubhasree2000 you can access the course any time any where this course is lift time course u will learn with fun in this course u will definitely enjoy to do the projects…
Thank you!!

Thank you for ur response.

There wont be any expiry time for completing the project.You can do it whenever you get the time.you can stop it and continue after your exams.

Hi, there’s no time limit or expiry date for this course. You can access it whenever you want. You can pause it and resume it as per your convenience. Get the best use of it.

You can complete your course whenever you want.
There is no expiry date