Access code and certificate

@nandika062003 Apologies for the issue. I have added your access code to the exam system.

Respected Sir,
I am still facing the same issue

@nandika062003 apologies for the issue. I have taken this to the team and we’ll get back to you shortly.

@nandika062003 Can you confirm if this is your access code: B74FA2F42686F65362BCDB59957F31?

Yes sir it’s the same

@nandika062003 I have taken this to the team and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Hi @nandika062003 ,
I would request you to try using the access code again. We already activated it on the 4th of July.
Attaching the proof below:
image (2)

Yes sir I have done it and its the same issue

@nandika062003 the issue is You are putting your order id. Instead of India46800, put B74FA2F42686F65362BCDB59957F31. If it still doesn’t work, let us know.

It is working perfectly
Thank u sir!!

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@nandika062003 that’s great. Do let me know if you need any other help.