analogMultiWrite is not working?,2,3&value=100,200,255&deviceName=BOLT1257632
the above link of analogMultiWrite is not working?

Hi @khanfaaz169,,2,3&values=100,200,255&deviceName=BOLT1257632
please replace pin with pins and value with values like above and try again.

Hi @khanfaaz169,
The API Key and Device name in the above link are dummy. For it to work, kindly replace them with your own. Please refer to the format given below:,2,3&value=100,200,255&deviceName=YOUR_DEVICE_NAME.

You may use this link to find/enable and generate your API Key.

Hi @raghav.srivastava, /analogMultiWrite?pin=1,2,3&value=100,200,255&deviceName=YOUR_DEVICE_NAME .
In analogMultiWrite this link there is spelling mistake. That is not pin that is pins and also for value that is values. Like this → /analogMultiWrite?pins=1,2,3&values=100,200,255&deviceName=YOUR_DEVICE_NAME
This mistake is also in docs.

Hi @AmmarSayed @khanfaaz169 ,
Yeah, I just tested the API, that’s a mistake in the documentation. I have taken this to the team and they’ll fix it as soon as possible.