Bolt cloud green Led

Myself bolt cloud green Led of wifi module is not glowing constantly… Due to which they status of my project is sometimes online and sometimes hoes offline

The problem can be due to your internet connection. Check that you have a constant internet conneection with good speed. If, the problem is not solved that reconnect it with the app or try to reconnect to the app by anybody else smartphone to insure that is there problem with the app in your phone.

The green led of bolt module indicates the availability of internet connectivity, thus ensure that the internet connectivity is stable. This will help in keeping green led constantly glowing.

The green led of bolt module indicates the availability of internet connectivity, thus ensure that the internet connectivity is stable. This will help in keeping green led constantly glowing.and after that if nothing is going to happen with the issue then go to the troubleshoot.

The green LED light in the bolt module indicate that bolt is connected to the internet.
So when led is not glowing constantly means their will be loss in the internet connection.

@madhvi.janwade Hi, The green light on the Bolt module reflects the internet connection so the problem may be due to the slow or poor network. If the light blinks that means the connection is not steady, once you have a steady internet connection it won’t be an issue. Further check it on any other device or try reconnecting.

in this case i think your wifi is not having a stable network , i’ll recommend you to try it once with other wifi network , or try connecting it to your own mobile hotspot as mentioned in the course.