is the capstone project compulsory?
can i submit a project from instead of the capstone project?
you need to submit the document
@shermannoronha The capstone project submission is not compulsory. It is for self evaluation. Refer to this training lesson for more info regarding the project submission for the certification exam.
Sir. I am currently at 95% of the course. I just wanted to know whether this submission of Capstone Project would help us getting a better overall percentage in the Final Evaluation (which comprises of the Final Exam, the module Tests and Also providing solutions to two queries in this forum). That is if I fail to submit this Project 16 would it hamper the final grades or is it purely for getting a better grasp on the concepts taught previously.
@souravnathemail The Capstone project does not count towards the final marks in your certificate. For that you will need to build a separate project on and include it as an answer in your test.