Certificate not issued - Python

I have completed exam in Python programming with a pass score. It’s been more than 48 hours, i still didn’t get it. Could you please help me out.

We are working on your query , give us some time .I updated your company name , let me know if you don’t receive the certificate by tomorrow.

We should give the details correctly, and try to get the passed marks.

Hi !
I have also appeared and completed the exam with a passing criteria and it’s more than 48 hours still didn’t got the certificate of completion. Plus I used the same id with which I registered the course . So, can anyone just help me out

You may contact with their whatsapp business account (9309051639)

Can you share the gmail id , so we can check about it.

Actually I already contacted one of the team member and they responded to my query yesterday only . So, issue is resolved now. Grateful to whole team .
Thank you

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Just check your inbox including the spam folder. It may be there.

please check in the spam box of gmail, sometimes it’ll in spam. If you do not find then mail the support team of Bolt Iot " support@boltiot.com "

It will be come soon

Nothing to worry !..check carefully your email and the spam folder…if it doesn’t found send a message in the whatapp.

please check in the spam box of gmail, sometimes it’ll in spam. If you do not find then mail the support team of Bolt Iot " support@boltiot.com