Certiicate Exam

I have taken the certificate exam on IoT and ML training program on 4/11/22 and haven’t received the final certificate yet. I checked all of my inboxes and spam. Please look into it as soon as possible as I have to submit it to my college within a week.

Expecting a reply… @PPV @raghav.srivastava

Hello , @abhi2001

Apologies for the delay in response.
Please provide us with the training access code and Your registered Gmail id which you used to give certificate exam.
Please be patient , your issue will be resolved as early as possible.

Thanks & Regards,
Lokesh Agarwal

Hello, @lokeshagarwal634
My Training access code and E-mail ID as you requested
Training Access code : A09A380368B0F92792ED9E59DFC3D0
Email ID : abhikalesh2001@gmail.com

What type of questions were asked in examination

Hi @gauravsinghgs8888 Questions related the the content you have learnt in the training.

Hi @lokeshagarwal634
It’s been 2 weeks since I took the exam and haven’t received the final certificate yet. Does it usually take this long? Because in the instructions it says the certificate will be available within 3 days or within a week if there are more exams to grade.

@abhi2001 Should not have taken this long. Checking

Hello , @abhi2001
Apologies for the delay in response: :innocent:
Due to excessive submissions on daily basis it took a little longer to release your certificate,
I checked in and I got to know that your certificate was in the release queue .
The certificate has been released: :wink: , it will be delivered to you within 2 working days.

If in case you didn’t get it do let us know on the mail id : lokesh.agarwal@boltiot.com

Thanks for being patient,
Lokesh Agarwal

questions will be at only answerable level if you have gone through the content. Pay attention to the content that is posted and try taking the exam with full concentration to crack all questions

Sir I have cleared the Exam and got the certificate , now how should I proceed to get internship that was assured in the training .

I gave the exam those questions were all about what you learnt in the training , very basic questions were there.

Hi @siddhikatailor The instructions for it are mentioned in the training content itself. Do submit the tasks based on the instruction. It will later be evaluated and the feedback will be shared with you.