i created an account in bolt and got the message “no devices connected to bolt” i connected my bolt and registered and now refreshed.i again the message no devices connected to bolt .what should i do?
Have u checked your bolt IP address? Is it correct? Once log out from bolt cloud account and then log in. Check whether it is showing bolt or not. If it is still not showing then send a screenshot of IP scanner and bolt cloud account and screenshot when you did register your bolt with the cloud.
my bolt got added to the devices.i tried to do the proximity sensors experiment.the graph i got is as in the pics i uploaded.it shoud show only 1 and 0’s but the graph is not so.what is the wrong in that.
I suggest you try the latest method for drawing the graphs on Bolt : http://www.instructables.com/id/Getting-Started-With-Python-and-API-With-Bolt-Iot-/
This will make it much easy to plot various types of graphs on Bolt cloud.
can i know what is wrong ,and why do i get such graph as sent in my screen shot.
can u send me a link that wil use windows.i dont have ubuntu.
>is this test available for writing.when i started test the format is not as descibed .it has only ten mcq questions and the test is done with that.,isnt the test for 100 marks as descbied in the rules.
The link I shared above is a Web Link : http://www.instructables.com/id/Getting-Started-With-Python-and-API-With-Bolt-Iot-/ Nothing to do with your OS. Use any browser.
can u clarify me about the test,i have sent a screen shot of it.
Each MCQ is for 10 marks.