Digital ocean username

In the current digitalocean creation of a droplet, They ask us to type in the root password, and there is no email regarding the username or password. so how do we know what the username is? whatever I tried in putty came as access denied…please do help


You can login to the Digital Ocean account and reset the root password of the droplet.

Use the updated password to login to the linux server. Since the IP of the box assigned to your account is unique and mapped to your account, you don’t have to enter username for the same.

@yeshwant.naik Thank you, I now have access.

I’m facing the same problem.I did reset my root password and tried to use new updated password with putty but still it shows access denied.

Hi @kokadwarkunjal,

You are getting this error because while creating the Digital Ocean droplet, you have selected the SSH-based login instead of password-based login.

A simple solution is to destroy your current droplet and create a new droplet with password-based login.

Do let me know in case you need further assitance.

I am quite sure that I used password-based login.
please help.