Final Exam Doubt

Will there be invigillation in final exam? As in web cam invigillation? And will there be time alloted for every question?

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No, there won’t be any webcam invigilator. But there will be restrictions on changing tabs or closing windows, which can result in disqualification. You must keep your 2 forum answer links and project-video link ready before your exam.

A total of 45mins will be given for all 38 questions for ‘Online training on IoT and ML’. There is NO time limit policy for each question.


@harrisonshruti the final test will have a duration of 45 minutes. The structure of the final exam is as follows:

A. MCQ Questions: There will be a total of 35 questions each carrying 02 marks. The questions will be based on the concepts taught in the training. So the MCQ section carries a total of 70 marks.

B. Forum Links: You have to provide the links of the answers posted by you for others’ query. Make sure that you don’t copy paste the previous answer. Try to give correct and authentic answers so that they can be evaluated properly. Each link is of 4 marks, so this section carries a total of 8 marks.

C. Project Link: For completing the final exam, you have to make a project which is not previously made by anyone. All the details regarding this is provided on the Training Dashboard’s last section titled Certification Test. The link of the project carries a total of 22 marks.

⁂ The final test there will be a total of 38 questions with a total weightage of 100 marks (72 + 8 +22 = 100).

Make sure that you have all these things before giving the test. (Paste the links in a notepad or word so that you can paste them when asked in the exam)

There will be no web-cam invigilation in the test, so make sure you wisely give the test. Kudos from my side


@harshika1406.vats @akshayan.sinha

Is posting a video of the final project a requirement or is it just for better explaining the project?


No, project video is not necessary. But if you do prepare a decent video through which you can demonstrate the live working of the project then it can fetch you some more marks. But it is not a necessary, it’s up-to you.

I hope you understood the things and I have provided a decent answer. So do close the request by clicking on the Solution button on my previous post.


Thank you everyone. My doubts are cleared.

For better explaining actually. Works like a bonus mark for you. Not really necessary, but you can have a video demonstration for more marks from trainers.

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Can we navigate between questions?

Yes, you can go back to your previous question, in case you want to change your options.

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The project submission page is not opening since 2 days. Is there anything that can be done? I have to submit my project. Its in draft.

@harrisonshruti Apologies for the issue. Please check now. It should be working. We have fixed the issue.