🎟 FREE LIVE Workshop on Saturday, 09th October, 2021

Hello Bolt Makers! :wave:

We will be having a session on Learn to build a Web Dashboard for Automated Door Lock System this week for the Bolt IoT community.

:desktop_computer: Learn to build a Web Dashboard for Automated Door Lock on 2021-10-09T12:30:00Z

​This is a live online session where Gaunisha Gaanavi G will teach you to build a Web Dashboard for Automated Door Lock System.

​You will Learn:

  • ​How to build a Webpage using HTML, JAVASCRIPT, CSS.
  • ​How to integrate the Bolt Wifi module with the webpage.
  • ​How to create an alarming system that sends a notification to the user’s mobile.

:computer: Join us for a FREE live online workshop this Saturday and Learn to build a Web Dashboard for Automated Door Lock System.

:man_technologist: To attend the session visit - https://lu.ma/x7xpp1a3

:mega: Conduct a session of your own
If you wish to conduct a live session to share what you have built on Bolt, then go ahead and fill the form here: https://info.boltiot.com/community-lead-live-online-session-speaker-registration

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Can you please provide the source code of this Door lock system project?

@Harsh I will get in touch with the respective speaker regarding this. I will share the resources here once I get them.