I have created a new project in hackster but do we have to change its access from private to public?
Yes you have to change, it’s compulsory
How to do that?I don’t know.Can we edit or delete a project that we have created?
Yes, you can edit or delete the project on Hackster as per your wish.
First, open the Hackster page using the link https://www.hackster.io/ and login to your account
Then click on the top right corner to the profile and choose “My projects”
Click on the project you want to edit or delete
At the top of the page, you will find the main heading “Project Admin” under which there are two subheadings:- Project Status and Project Setting
Under Project Setting an option “Edit” is present to edit the project
To delete the project click on 3 dots present adjacent to the Edit option
On clicking, you will see the option “Delete this project”