How to use Sensehat

I want to ask how to assemble Sensehat with BoltIot module i know how to assemble it with Raspberry pi.

Plz help ASAP

Hi @himanshudixit7879,

I am inviting @vinayak.joshi to help you out with this query.

Ok @rahul.singh1
Thanks for your help & efforts


It will take us some time to figure out how to do this interfacing.
Also, it might not be possible to interface all of the systems of the sense hat with the Bolt WiFi module.

May I know what parts of the sensehat you want to use along with the Bolt WiFi module?

Sir i want to know is it possible to use Sense hat with bolt kit
as I am currently working on

Smart water Management System

I am thinking to use Sense hat in it but don’t know whether it is compatible with bolt Iot or not